Reporting and Incompletes

Students in CHSS may, at the discretion of the instructor, take a temporary incomplete in any course. Each course for which an incomplete is granted must have a grade registered by the beginning of the Fall Quarter following the academic year in which the course is taken. Exceptions will be made only in the case of extenuating circumstances, and on petition to the committee. Students who have reached the end of the academic year with some courses incomplete must complete those courses by the beginning of the next academic year; they will not be allowed to register until all courses have been completed. Each year in the program, a student must furnish to the chair of CHSS a brief written report on their progress in the program. The report should be submitted by May 1st. The report should indicate what courses have been taken and completed, what research accomplished, what talks given or papers published. If the student is in candidacy, he or she should also furnish a copy to their dissertation chair and indicate what progress has been made on the dissertation; the report should include a schedule specifying when remaining research and chapters will be completed. This report should be discussed with the student’s primary advisor and/or dissertation committee, after which the advisor or dissertation chair will sign the report and return it to the chair of CHSS.